Letter to the Observer Food Monthly (and any other reviewers)
Dear Sir
I have of late seen numerous accolades heaped upon the Drunken Duck Inn in Ambleside, most recently in your Food Awards 2007 and I'm a little confused as to what all the fuss is about. I had a most unsatisfactory dining experience there with my partner and have been bemused ever since as to the plaudits it has earned.
Upon arrival we were crammed into a small table by the bar and served distinctly average food in a brusque and surly manner. The delight of our evening was capped off by later diners literally hanging over us waiting for our table which did nothing to aid the digestion of what were were unfortunate enough to order.
I know some places can have an off-day but to receive the constant praise it does, surely the Drunken Duck ought to be able to achieve a consistently high standard of service. The only other explanation is that the establishment is 'tipped off' when a reviewer makes an appearance and bestowed with suitably special treatment.
In all fairness the Observer award was voted for by the people and was in fact for one of the most stunning locations, not the best food but unlike buying houses its not all about location, location, location. First and foremost it needs to be about taste, service and pleasure. So a word to the wise for other potential diners - the journey to the restaurant might be the highlight of your evening.